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Locate Your Lost Android Phone With iTag

Today’s cellphones are mini-computers which perform a plethora of functions for us. Not only do they let us send/receive messages and calls, but also take pictures, shoot videos, and use countless applications. These smartphone are the machines of today and make life convenient for us.

With all these features usually comes a hefty price tag, normally well worth the device. But if we lose our expensive cellphone, the price we pay for it is completely gone to waste. More than a loss of money, losing our phone means losing our contacts, pictures, videos, and all sorts of important data we have stored in it. Very few tools can help us in the situation of a lost phone.


By Umar Anjum
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Download & Install All Your Applications In One Go

I recently reinstalled Windows Vista on my desktop machine. After Vista’s installation, I realized that the toughest part about any operating system installation is individually downloading and installation our favorite applications. The number of my most-used applications was big; therefore I ended up spending quite some time downloading and installing my applications.

All that time I spent on downloading and installation, I could have saved if I had known about AllMyApps.


By Umar Anjum
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How To Pick A Color Off Your Screen The Easy Way

Do you want to pick a color off your screen but do not know how to go about it? One method of course is to take a screenshot, paste it in paint, then pick the color off there. But unless you zoom into the image, you will not be able to pick off the exact color of the pixel you click on. And even if you do, you will not be able to know the color in a way that can be transported to another image program.


By Umar Anjum
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Add Unsorted Bookmarks Folder Menu In Firefox To Categories Unsorted Bookmarks

While it is undoubtedly one of the most stable and impressive internet browsers out there, Firefox still has a considerable journey ahead to become the best browser. This journey is significantly shortened by developers from all over the world who contribute to the Mozilla project by creating wonderful add-ons. These add-ons, plug-ins, and extensions improve the overall functionality of Firefox making it a lot more pleasurable to use.


By Umar Anjum
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KartMe Is A Great Way To Organize And Share Your Favorite Online Content With Other People

We see social media sites popping up everywhere today. Beginning from Orkut, I now have accounts on more online social networks than I can count. The essentials of all social media are the same: stay in touch with your contacts and share interesting stuff you find online. Some social media sites are for content-specific sharing. For instance a forum that allows only health-related discussions or a social media site that promotes video games and is for video game enthusiasts. These sites provide great interfaces for sharing the material they support.


By Umar Anjum
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10 Excellent Free Web Apps To Create CSS Forms and Grids

CSS forms and grids are something web developers and designers usually employ to create great webpages. If a developer starts writing the code for these forms, it becomes quite a difficult process. That is exactly why numerous online CSS form creators exist, to make the developer’s job easier.

These online CSS creators range from free to paid websites. If one was to explore all the options, it would take a lot of time. Fortunately for my readers who design websites, I have gathered a list of 10 free CSS form creators that competently perform the task they are designed for.

Css3 Generator

By Umar Anjum
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How To Easily Set Custom Icons For Folders In Windows

I have blogged about a number of programs that help users better organize their computer via better folder organization. Usually this is done by batch-renaming a folder or sorting files of certain file formats together in a particular folder. But only recently I discovered a new way of folder organization – color coding.

Imagine having a folder with a large number of subfolders. Some of these folders belong to a certain category. Instead of creating a new folder and putting the similar ones in this new folder, what if you could flag them by a similar color? For instance you could mark red all the folders you want to delete tomorrow.


By Umar Anjum
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For Chrome: Clear Browsing History With A Click Of A Button

Clearing our browser’s cache is a good practice. It reduces the clutter on our hard disk and leads to better performance. More importantly cache clearing is a way to maintain our browsing privacy. Cache clearing ensures that another user on our computer is not able to view our browsing history. During cache clearing we also delete cookies that track our internet activity.

Apart from a browser’s built in tools, there are numerous third party tools that enable users to wipe their data off their browser. Usually this clearing requires a browser restart. Since this might cause an inconvenience for some users who would like to continue work on the currently opened webpage, I searched for a competent cache clearing tool that would not restart the browser.


By Umar Anjum
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5 Free Services To Enhance Your Experience On eBay

eBay is a massive online shopping network that lets individuals, companies, and groups sell products online. As a shopper, to search and compare all the products being offered relevant to a query is a mountain of a task. Luckily there are other online tools that make comparing products on eBay easier then it is on eBay itself.

I have gathered a list of 5 online tools that offers this functionality and more. If you are an eBay user, give this list a read. You will surely find something useful.


By Umar Anjum
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5 Must-Have Firefox Extensions For Bloggers

Do you own a website or blog? Does your job involve search engine optimization of any sort? If you answered yes, then Firefox should be your default internet browser. I say this because of Firefox’s amazing array of add-ons to make life easier for bloggers and webmasters.

If you need some convincing, then read on my gathered list of 5 add-ons which will greatly help you do your job once you switch over to Firefox. If Firefox is already your default browser of choice, then just read each entry carefully and see how each add-on can enhance Firefox for your web tasks.


By Umar Anjum
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10 Excellent Applications To Organize Yourself

Do you face problems scheduling a get together or remembering your chores? If yes then you are one of the countless people who need a little extra help to better organize themselves.

Over the course of my blogging I have written about various programs and tools that help us improve our schedules and to-do lists. Here is a list of 10 of those programs which I feel all “people like us” can benefit from. Read each entry in the list, use whichever suits you best, and let me know what you think in the comments.

Digital Janitor

By Umar Anjum
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Use CardKing To Carry All Your Coupons And Loyalty Cards In Your iPhone

Coupons, loyalty cards, special offers, are all ways to earn discounts and benefits at various stores. Experienced (and wise) shoppers never miss an opportunity that enables them to get a discount. These offers (particularly loyalty cards) can be especially helpful when shoppers buy from the same store regularly; discounts on each purchase can combine to form a huge amount of savings.

Of course to carry discount cards and loyalty cards of each store we purchase from can be a little difficult – there is only a certain limit to things we can carry in our wallet. If you are an iPhone user, however, you can use an application to save your discount/loyalty cards and carry all of them in your iPhone. CardKing is exactly such an application.


By Umar Anjum
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5 Best Free Windows Password Recovery Tools

Have you ever forgotten your Windows account password? If you have then you already know how painful the password recovery process can be. There is a good chance that Windows users who are not very tech-aware fail to recover their password and end reinstalling Windows via a bootable disc.

Whether you have or have not been through that situation, you do not want to be in those circumstances any time in the future. To help you out if (when) you forget your Windows password, I have gathered a list of 5 freeware programs that will help recover your Windows password.


By Umar Anjum
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View Hundreds Of Channels From Around The World In Chrome With TV Chrome

Recently I was thinking how to initiate recording a TV channel via Windows 7 Media Center. The problem was that I needed to do this remotely, in case I was not at home, remembered that a series I liked was being aired on TV, and wanted it recorded. After much extensive searching, I finally found an application called Remote Potato.

Setting up Remote Potato was no child’s play and it took me quite some time. I am still not satisfied with it. When I told a fellow blogger about my predicament, he asked “But if you can access the internet while you’re away from home, why not simply use it to view television online?” I asked him what he meant and he answered “TV Chrome.”


By Umar Anjum
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7 Great Chrome Extensions To Make Your Life Easier

You might have been using Chrome for a quite some time now but there is a good chance you are not taking its full advantage. Chrome’s maximum potential lies in the power of its extensions. Below I have gathered 7 Chrome extensions that will enable you all to realize Chrome’s full potential. You will not find these extensions in similar lists on other websites; I hope you find them to be useful to your computer usage.

Give the list a thorough reading, try out any extension you are interested in, and let me know in the comments how they worked out for you.


By Umar Anjum
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Woopra Is Becoming Another Feature Rich Alternative To Google Analytics

If you are a professional blogger or webmaster, there is a good change that you track your site’s traffic and analyze to learn how to better your website or blog. Such measures are an absolute must if you want your website to have a mark on the web. Most webmasters use Google Analytics for this purpose.

Although Google Analytics is the most popular application for this task and does a great job at tracking traffic, Woopra proves that there are areas in which Analytics falls short.


By Umar Anjum
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5 Excellent Text to Voice Free Applications

Many computer users take advantage of text-to-voice programs to make their computer tasks easier. With a voice command we can execute a task which otherwise might take a combination of keyboard-key presses and mouse clicks.

For my readers who have not yet tried out text-to-voice applications or are looking for something better than what they are already using, I have gathered a list of 5 great options they can go for. Read each entry in my list, find out which one interests you, and use the comments to let me know how it went for you.


By Umar Anjum
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How To Organize/View Your Feeds In A Magazine Like Start Pages In Chrome

Recently I came across a great website titled Fav4. It provides users with a four thumbnail shortcuts to websites. The websites can be selected from a list of the most social media websites. Fav4 has an appealing look and can serve as a great clutter-free start-page for any user.

But what if I need a start-page that does not only provide me a link to my most frequented sites, but also extracts the latest updates from them and shows them all to me neatly? I asked a blogger friend about this and his suggestion was more than satisfactory: Feedly.


By Umar Anjum
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GoingUp Provides Everything A Blogger Needs

Site owners and professional bloggers use a variety of tools to assess the performance of their website. The number priority is to get as much traffic on the site as possible. To achieve this, the current traffic being received is analyzed statistically and graphically, search engine optimization tools are employed to generate material users search for, and various other applications are used.

GoingUp is a wonderful free website that combines virtually all the tools a site owner or professional blogger will need to better his/her site via the above mentioned tools.


By Umar Anjum