Sensational Jobs : A Job Board For Web Developers, Graphic Designers And Bloggers 1
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Sensational Jobs : A Job Board For Web Developers, Graphic Designers And Bloggers

Working in the Internet as a freelancer or a web designer can be great, but if you are working full time on the Internet for a living- you must find out prospective job opportunities. You may be a web developer, coder, graphic designer, freelance writer or a blogger, you must prepare yourself to find new job leads and interesting projects to work with.

That’s when you need job boards to find recruiters and good employers – so that you can involve yourself in more projects and earn a handsome salary every month. It goes way beyond working for your friend’s company, you can use job boards to find high paying employers very easily.

By Chris Peterson
Adding Credibility Signs To Have A Profitable eCommerce Website 3
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Adding Credibility Signs To Have A Profitable eCommerce Website

With the incredible competition in the online marketplace, it has become obvious that more importance should be put on site’s credibility. Generating more leads becomes possible when customers feel comfortable and secure while shopping online with your web store. So it is highly recommended to apply the proven basics of the retail success.

To run a successful ecommerce website, you need to make your web store as attractive as possible and display your product range to the best advantage.

By Chris Peterson
Online Project Management Made Easy With ProWorkflow 4
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Online Project Management Made Easy With ProWorkflow

If you own a creative or tech service business, you know how difficult it can be to manage projects, staff and your clients. You have to keep your team organised, manage and assign tasks to staff, distribute information, keep clients up to date on progress and ensure quotes and invoices get sent out on time. The most important aspect of this is that you need a communication channel where your team and your clients can collaborate on projects and tasks.

By Chris Peterson
Best 10 Cheap Web Hosting Providers (According To 5
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Best 10 Cheap Web Hosting Providers (According To

If you own a website and have your own domain name registered, chances are that you also have a hosting provider where you have uploaded all the files of your website. It’s very important on the part of bloggers or webmasters to choose a reputed hosting provider for their business.

Using a good web hosting provider ensures that your website is running smoothly and do not face any down times or server side problems.


By Chris Peterson
ForeUI - An Easy To Use Prototyping Tool For Designers And Developers 6
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ForeUI – An Easy To Use Prototyping Tool For Designers And Developers

Designing prototypes for web applications can be tricky, you must have a good UI prototyping tool at your disposal. There are many prototyping tools available for Windows but if you are looking for an easy to use cross platform solution, try

ForeUI is an amazing UI prototyping tool meant for designers, programmers and anyone who needs a desktop tool to create screen mockups for web or desktop applications. You can use desktop app to create a prototype of an application or a website.


By Chris Peterson
Mavenlink - Cloud Based Software To Manage Your Projects And Clients 7
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Mavenlink – Cloud Based Software To Manage Your Projects And Clients

If you run an online business, you know how difficult it can be to manage different projects and work with multiple clients simultaneously. Your email is not the perfect place to store all the data because often things get mixed up and this may eventually hurt your business.

If you want a better way to organize your projects – you must use a project management system. A project management system gives you, your team members and your clients an online dashboard where you can see the development of a project and collaborate with multiple people and clients.


By Chris Peterson
Digital Product Delivery: Selling Products Online Is Not That Hard, As We Assume! 8
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Digital Product Delivery: Selling Products Online Is Not That Hard, As We Assume!

Selling digital products on the Internet can look like an overwhelming and expensive endeavor. However, with the right tools, knowledge, and experience, it is very feasible to make a remarkably viable online marketplace in a matter of a few clicks of the mouse. Significantly helping to streamline and simplify the process for online marketers while still offering a wealth of features and options is DPD. Standing for Digital Product Delivery, it is a comprehensive e-commerce utility for people who want to sell digital products on the web.


By Chris Peterson
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Handset Detection Optimizes The Mobile Web Experience

One of the fastest growing segments on the Internet today is the mobile web. More and more people are starting to surf through websites and download a myriad of content onto their cell phones, smartphones, and other mobile devices. Unfortunately, much of the Internet has been designed to be best enjoyed on a full-size computer. For designers and developers, there is an additional issue of addressing all kinds of different mobile devices with different levels of compatibility and different screen sizes.

To help address this issue, Handset Detection offers an integrated solution that will direct visitors to the right place depending on their smartphone, cellular phone, or other mobile device of choice.


By Chris Peterson
Take Your Blog To The Top Of Search Results With SEO PowerSuite 9
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Take Your Blog To The Top Of Search Results With SEO PowerSuite

You may have the greatest blog ever with mind-blowing design and captivating content, but if you just sit and wait for people to come and read it, chances are they won’t. In today’s world you need to get out there and promote your blog to get more eyeballs on your writing. One of the best ways to do it is by optimizing your blog for the search engines.

If you take a look at the traffic sources of the top blogs in any niche you’ll notice that a large chunk of their visitors come via search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become one of the most effective promotion tools in the blogger’s arsenal. But when you blog regularly, reply to comments, and work hard to grow a community around your blog you may not have enough time to invest in SEO, and professional SEOs charge an arm and a leg. So how do you optimize your blog without stealing the time from blogging or forking out for SEO services?


By Chris Peterson - Fresh & Never Boring Tech Updates 10
Read Full Post – Fresh & Never Boring Tech Updates

With so many blogs around in the blogosphere, it becomes really difficult to get the right taste of news you want to read daily. If you love reading about computers, technology and geek stuff, you will find a lot of blogs which claim to serve interesting content and provide the information you are looking for.

Let’s face it – not all blogs are fun to read because they focus on “what brings business” and not on what the reader actually wants to read. is a technology blog, but with a different genre – you will love reading the posts without getting bored.


By Chris Peterson
Mind Mapping-The Fun Side Of Time Management 11
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Mind Mapping-The Fun Side Of Time Management

Do you want to get better results, be more productive, accomplish your goals and be more organized? It’s all about timing… Time management is planning activities effectively.

Mind maps are an excellent tool for managing time and help you use it efficiently in each step of every process. Mind mapping is a powerful method for generating and picturing ideas and activities, brainstorming and organizing thoughts. Using this type of software can help you save time, increase you skills while you are solving a problem, intensify creativity and facilitate your thinking processes.


By Chris Peterson
iSyndica:Upload Photos to Multiple Stock Photography Sites from One place 12
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iSyndica:Upload Photos to Multiple Stock Photography Sites from One place

Stock photography and videography has become a decent profession in recent years and many talented photographers earn online by selling their work. Clicking photos and videos is fun and interesting, but to sell them is not an easy job. You must have a portfolio and a solid social media presence so that people know that you exist. They can see your work and eventually, interested visitors will turn into future prospects or clients.


By Chris Peterson
Techinline-Remote Desktop Sharing and Customer Support Solutions 13
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Techinline-Remote Desktop Sharing and Customer Support Solutions

Do you own a small company and want to offer remote computer support to clients and customers? You might want to connect to another computer located at any place in the world, transfer files and documents and chat with the customer using a single application. You would also want to deliver online demonstrations and conduct training sessions between two computers.

Check out Techinline – an easy to use Remote Desktop solution which offers all these services under one interface. The service can be used to connect to any computer in the world which has an active Internet connection and a web browser. You can then transfer files, conduct presentations and chat with the customer live from your computer. The service also offers sharing screens so you can visually illustrate anything you want and convey the message on the other side.


By Chris Peterson
UPrinting Website Sponsorship Programs 14
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UPrinting Website Sponsorship Programs

If you have a blog or work with non-profit websites, you need to read this post!, an online printing company, is now offering two excellent sponsorship programs.

The first program sponsors bloggers with advertising revenue, sponsored giveaways and product reviews. The second program sponsors non-profits, charities and educational organizations with printing services, saving them thousands of dollars a year! Read on to learn how you can get your blog or non-profit website sponsored by


By Chris Peterson
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Create A News Aggregation Website With PHP RSS Reader

Imagine if there was a way to provide new, relevant content from thousands of different sources every minute, automatically on your website. How much more eager would a user be to come back for more? This is exactly why PHP RSS Reader was created, to give you the opportunity to automatically provide your users with an incredible amount of information in a compelling, simplistic format and provide this new, relevant content every single minute!

PHP RSS Reader is a full blown news aggregation script programmed in PHP that allows you to provide your users with fresh content 24/7.

By Chris Peterson
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Photofont WebReady: A Revolutionary Font Converter

Photofont WebReady is a revolutionary technology for website typography. Fontlab’s Photofont WebReady can be called a font converter meant for Windows and Mac OS X systems, which can help you customize the fonts on a web page. Since the main technology lies in the conversion of texts into Flash objects, this technology can be best applied to comparatively shorter texts. Like headlines, just as has been done with the title heading above. Be it your blog or a web site, you can enhance the web pages with your own custom fonts of your choice.

By Team
Why designers ought to flag 15
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Why designers ought to flag

Multitasking is the way of the web. Why do you think a spider needs eight legs? Savvy designers these days look for sites with great content for their projects, and which allows them to interact with fellow peers from around the world, gain recognition plus earn rewards – all these at one go. Oh, and the catch is… it has to be hassle-free. Crazy? You betcha!

Most would already have a list of sites up their sleeves which they would regularly fall back on. But, if you’re feeling short of a couple of aces in your card deck… then, it’s worth a flick in the wrist to check this site out. You’ll find that this is a site that should be right up your alley as it represents excellent value as a Royalty Free image library – for not only does it save you money, it also offers money-making opportunities for the creative among us.

123-royality-free constantly upgrades itself to facilitate its community, but I’d grouped them into three main areas where members can generally benefit from:

By Team
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Fabulously cool: Icons for any designer creation

This is fabulously cool: ready-made icons from Icons Land. A friend of mine advised me to visit this site. He was really excited telling that he tried the Weather Icons Set while designing his new weather broadcast site. After visiting the site I thought that maybe someone might find services of icons land useful for himself. The icons enable anyone to build a teardown application for any site, whether this is a website, or a presentation, or some kind of UI software and even printed production.

By Team