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15 Tools For Selecting An Ideal Domain Name

Are you facing difficulty in choosing a domain name that works for you? If yes, then you should look into this collection where we are showcasing 15 excellent tools that help you in selecting an ideal domain name for you. Selecting a domain name is the first step in establishing an online presence and your domain name has a great influence on the overall of your website performance. A relevant domain name wins the half battle.

By Akhter
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7 Free Web Hosting Control Panels To Manage Servers

Using a dedicated control panel application is a good idea for those developers and designers who are hosting multiple websites on a VPS / dedicated server. These days, majority of the developers and even designers are managing multiple websites and online portfolios and for that they build resource consuming application. Therefore, they need a custom hosting plan that suits their needs. Using VPS is a good option although it requires technical knowledge. However, once installed, it not only saves your time but also lets you manage multiple websites quite easily.

By Akhter
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Congratulations To The Winners Of Cloud Server And Reseller Hosting Accounts

Thanks to all of the participants of contest in which Cloud Server And Reseller Hosting Accounts from Eleven2 were givingaway. We ran the MySQL random query and selected these comments to give them hosting account at Eleven2.

Eleven2 is a web hosting provider comprised of talented designers, developers, musicians, film makers, business owners, writers, photographers, and much more. Eleven2 is set at a great pace to change the world of web hosting by treating customers like people, one person at a time.

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The 69 Coolest Apps Of 2010

The year 2010 is almost ended. We have explored and reviewed so many useful tools and resources for you all the year. Today, we are going to take a look on few of the web apps we have featured that we think you would like bookmark for 2011. I hope designers, developers and programmers will like this list, but you can also use them and will love them whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. They are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of 69 Coolest Web Apps Of 2010 at Work. We have categorized them as Web Apps, Desktop Apps and Smartphone/Tablet PC Apps. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.


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The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files

People have a love and hate relationship with file hosting sites. Some file hosting sites are really handy and make sharing data even simpler than sending a file via email while other services spam you with countless pop ups and forced membership options to simply download a file. Here is a list of some great file hosting sites that make uploading and sharing files a cakewalk.

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With ZumoDrive You Can Upload And Access Your Files From Anywhere

We all want remote access to our computer files. Whether we want to listen to our favorite music, view pictures or videos stored on our computer, or open an important document, remote access to our files can be very beneficial. Although there are programs out there that enable remote access, they require your main computer to be powered on at all times with an active internet connection. ZumoDrive provides a better alternative.

By Umar Anjum
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Best 10 Cheap Web Hosting Providers (According To

If you own a website and have your own domain name registered, chances are that you also have a hosting provider where you have uploaded all the files of your website. It’s very important on the part of bloggers or webmasters to choose a reputed hosting provider for their business.

Using a good web hosting provider ensures that your website is running smoothly and do not face any down times or server side problems.


By Chris Peterson
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IDrive Gives Online Data Backup Facility With Up To 10GB Free Space

In case of serious physical damage to your computer, no form of software security solution is going to protect your data. Your best option is to backup your important data online. That way it is accessible from anywhere even if your primary computer gets physically damaged.

One of the best online data backup options available is IDrive. It is an online service that offers different paid packages for online data backup. Additionally they have a free evaluation package which provides up to 2 GB of online storage. While on the free package, if you refer five people and they start using IDrive too, your 2 GB storage capacity is upgraded to 10 GB.


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Green Web Hosting – An Eco-Friendly Alternative

Wikipedia defines green web hosting as “a recent addition to the field of website hosting which involves a given website hosting company attempting to prove that they are not having any negative impact on the environment in an attempt to attract consumers.”

It is the latest trend in the web hosting industry that involves the use of eco-friendly methods to avoid losing valuable resources and to protect the environment from further destruction.


By Chris Peterson
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14 iPhone Clients That Would Actually Make Your Lives Easier

This is one of the very best list of its kind where you can find the iPhone clients of must-have popular tools. I hope everyone of you will love these apps whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, designer, developer etc. This is the list of The 14 iPhone Clients That Would Actually Make Your Lives Easier. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.


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69 Coolest Web Apps Of 2009

The year 2009 is almost ended. We have explored and reviewed so many useful tools and resources for you all the year. Today, we are going to take a look on few of the web apps we have featured that we think you would like bookmark for 2010. I hope designers, developers and programmers will like this list, but you can also use them and will love them whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. They are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of 69 Coolest Web Apps Of 2009 at Work. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.


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LayerOnline: Need For Speed – Google loves it fast

LayerOnline web hosting was designed from the ground up to be digg, slashdot and stumbleupon effect ready. We understand the needs for speed and uptime of website users. Our web hosting is able to outperform our competitors by 60 times or more, and able to maintain 100% uptime even under digg effect. How do we do it? In this article we will explain some of the technologies we use.

Web Hosting

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Make A Promise To Save The Environment In Your Own Way And Get 500GB File Hosting Account For Free

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. If we do nothing to stop it, climate change will cause severe water shortages, rising sea levels will swallow cities, and pest outbreaks will sicken people and kill crops. One of the early signs we are already experiencing is an increase in extreme weather events such as destructive storms, drought and floods.

SmashingApps and FileBanker are teaming up to do their part for the environment. Average American consumes more than 700 pounds of paper per year, highest compared to anywhere else in the world. Hundreds of thousands of trees are cut down per day to support the consumption of paper that can be easily avoided.

SmashingApps believes that we can change that by helping people save and share their documents electronically instead of printing them out each time. We do not want you to print so much so we are offering 500 GB file hosting accounts for free at FileBanker. You will need to enter “smashingapps” in the promo code field. You can use these accounts to share all your documents without ever having to print anything.


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5 Most Reliable And Feature Packed Free Web Hosting Services

People still are in the search of reliable and best free web hosting sites. Some web hosting sites are really handy and make uploading the website is very easier and simpler. By the time, demand of php and MySQL are also increasing. Here is a list of some great free web hosting sites that make uploading a website a cakewalk.


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8 Powerful WordPress Plugins You Probably Don’t Use But Should

There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for sake of existence. But it’s totally up to you that how you can make your wordpress blog more strong and powerful using different plugins to give your blog readers an amazing and wonderful experience. In this post, I tried to list down those powerful wordpress plugins that are really essential for every blog.

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9 Free Web Apps From Microsoft You Might Not Know About

Now a days, it’s really not hard to find free and online web service to perform your daily task but offering really useful and free online web applications from Microsoft is a great step. Today, we are discussing about some web tools from Microsoft. We hope this list will be helpful for for everyone and specially it could be useful for designer to developer, office worker, manager to supervisor, student to home user and so on. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features.

Live Sync

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