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Today we have assembled some of the most incredible and beautiful digital paintings from Deviant Art. In this post, you will find that most of the masterpieces are softly colored yet look truly stunning.
You will notice that each of the artwork tells its story in its own way. Surely there are some very amazing artists out there who have created such masterpieces. Kindly note that, all these images have been gathered from Deviant Art and therefore have been linked back properly to their original sources.
Into the Unknown by kerembeyit
Anamnesis of estivation by alexiuss
The Evil Snowman by Beloved-Creature
Mountain serenity by AndreeWallin
Commission: Declan by charlie140588
Chinese Monastery Concept by I-NetGraFX
The Leviathan, revisited by forgottenpurpose
Pirates of the Spanish Main by viag
Elephant who likes Eggplant by ethe
Tree Root Canopy by ANTIFAN-REAL
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