12 Stunning jQuery Plugins and Tutorials

12 Stunning jQuery Plugins and Tutorials

jQuery is here for quite a sometime and it really makes life easier for the web developers and designers. The web development industry has been revolutionized by the advent of jQuery. Designers all over the world are taking advantage of this new technology and creating brilliant stuff quite quickly. It is nothing less than a blessing for the developers and this is the reason of its ever increasing popularity all over the world.

12 jQuery Flipbook Plugin

12 jQuery Flipbook Plugin

In this round up, we have put together 12 best jQuery flipbook plugins for you that are the most popular interactive animation shortcuts in the recent days. With the help of flipbook or page flips effects, website owners can effectively present their product catalogs, sales brochures and content in visually appealing and eye catching manner. Moreover, flipbook effects gives the overall website design a new dimension.

14 jQuery Tutorials and Plugins For Programmers

14 jQuery Tutorials and Plugins For Programmers

Tutorials are the best way to learn new techniques and new programs not only for the beginners but also for the experienced professionals who want to polish their skills. In this compilation, we have listed down 14 jQuery tutorials especially for programmers. jQuery is the most famous and most widely used programming language all across the globe. It is fast and extremely versatile giving developers and programmers complete command. If you want to learn jQuery or just want to polish your jQuery skills, then this collection is for you.

10 Stylish Free Full Screen jQuery Slideshow

10 Stylish Free Full Screen jQuery Slideshow

Are you looking for some stunning jQuery slideshows? If your answer is yes then look no further; because here we are presenting 10 truly beautiful and stunning websites that showcase full screen jQuery slideshow. These websites show that you can also integrate jQuery slideshow in such a way that it can cover the whole screen while presenting the content of your website in a very nice and visually alluring manner.

40 jQuery & CSS3 Loading Animation And Progress Bar Plugins

40 jQuery & CSS3 Loading Animation And Progress Bar Plugins

Another amazing and wonderful collection of jQuery and CSS3 for you is presented here. In this collection we are showcasing 40 jQuery and CSS3 loading animation and progress bar plugins and tutorial. One thing keep in your mind that CSS3 animations are not yet supported in old browsers so you have to try modern browsers if you want to see the live action of these outstanding plugins. With loaders and progress bars users know that something is still going on that’s why loaders and progress bars are very essential for users.

50 Fresh jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

50 Fresh jQuery Plugins For Web Developers

Here we are presenting another new collection of some fresh jQuery plugins for you. We all know that plugins are the great time savers as they help us to perform certain actions in a more convenient and speedy manner, thus saving our time as well as energy. This is the reason why every designer and developer is interested in keeping a good collection of different types of plugins that are useful for them.

Showcase Of Fresh And Free jQuery Plugins And Tutorials

Showcase Of Fresh And Free jQuery Plugins And Tutorials

Plugins and tutorials are great designing resources for the designers. With the help of tutorials, designers can learn and practice new technique of using their designing tool and plugins are meant to simplify their designing work. In the recent times, jQuery has become simply miraculous seeing that with jQuery you can discover plugins to achieve almost anything you want. Among all the JavaScript frameworks, jQuery is the most prominent and well-known that goes together with loads of amazing features. On top of that jQuery is very easy to use.

16 Beautiful jQuery Pagination Plugins

16 Beautiful jQuery Pagination Plugins

Here, we are presenting a collection of some useful and free to use jQuery pagination plugins for you that you can integrate on your website in order to split pages and posts into several pages. These pagination plugins make pagination easy for the website developers. These plugins are designed for you so that website pagination will no longer be a tough task for you. With these plugins, you can divide the data into multiple pages once it is loaded into the page. Furthermore, server side pagination allows you to extract necessary amount of data and then loaded on the page.

13 Very Useful jQuery Modal Plugins

In today’s collection, we are presenting for you 13 jQuery Modal plugins. Many websites are using jQuery currently and it is important that one should know what jQuery plugins are available there in order to stay up to date with the latest web design trends. With the help of jQuery plugins, one can keep his website ahead of the crowd.

7 jQuery Plugins To Create Page Scrolling

7 jQuery Plugins To Create Page Scrolling

Are you interested in creating a single page layout website? Do you need to know something about plugins that help you create such websites? If yes then you are at right place. Here we are discussing 7 jQuery plugins that help you creating page scrolling layout – characteristic layout for a single page website. Page scrolling techniques are of two types: one is browser scrollbar dependent and the other user action dependent. Regardless of what type of scrolling techniques you want to use, these plugins will help you achieve page scrolling effect quite effortlessly.

10 (More) jQuery Plugins That Enhance Your Forms

10 (More) jQuery Plugins That Enhance Your Forms

A web form on your website is one of the most important and crucial elements that you cannot neglect if you really want your website to go beyond your expectations. The main reason is that web form is the way your visitors and clients can contact you with their queries and suggestions. Thus, having a visually appealing and completely function web form is important for every website.

11 Most Useful jQuery Plugins To Enhance Typography

Here we are presenting 11 jQuery plugins for you to improve your typography. With jQuery plugins, you can implement superb things on your website quite easily. In this round up, we have put together some jQuery plugins that will allow you a better control on your website for web typography. We all know that typography is an important element in a web design and achieving a high level of typographic style can make your web design look eve more stunning and attention grabbing.

40+ Powerful jQuery Navigation Plugins And Tutorials

In this round up, we are showcasing a wonderful collection of some useful jQuery navigation plugins and tutorials that will definitely help you improve your website visibility and let you spice up your website more effectively. jQuery is a wonderful creation and its plugins have been designed to help you keep your content more organized and interactive for your website users.

Ultimate Collection Of Fresh jQuery Plugins And Tutorials

Ultimate Collection Of Fresh jQuery Plugins And Tutorials

jQuery has become one of the most accepted JavaScript library that has been used all over the world. For this reason, many people all around the world are interested in learning this wonderful creation of the technology. Tutorials is the best thing on the internet to learn from. This time, we are specifically presenting some fresh tutorials that were recently released. These tutorials will cover different aspects of jQuery that you can use to make your creation even more powerful and interactive.

37 Fresh jQuery Image, Content Sliders And Slideshows

37 Fresh jQuery Image, Content Sliders And Slideshows

With so many collections of jQuery image and content sliders and slideshows, sometimes it gets quite confusing which one to use. So, we thought to compile a fresh collection of some of the best jQuery image and content sliders and slideshows that you will find useful for you. We especially designed this collection for those people or developers who are in search of some innovative and fresh jQuery slider plugins and scripts in order that they can use them in their new projects for free.