Now Create Beautiful Sitemaps And Flowcharts For Free With SlickPlan

SlickPlan is a web-based sitemap/flowchart generator that allows for the creation of free sitemap and flowchart design. SlickPlan was handcrafted with PHP/MySQL and jQuery. It was exclusively developed with the web designer and developer in mind, but it can be used by anyone who needs a quick and professional sitemap or flowchart for their planning project.


The only function of SlickPlan is to provide a professional flowchart/sitemap service free of charge. SlickPlan doesn’t muddy the waters with any other design services, so it’s completely devoted to generating beautiful, functional sitemaps.

SlickPlan Sample

Creating an account enables you to keep your sitemaps neatly organized on SlickPlan’s website. That way, you don’t have to keep track of them yourself. Your sitemaps will be right in front of you when you sign in.

SlickPlan Features

  • Unlimited Sitemaps
  • Send your clients HTML sitemap links instantly
  • Export your sitemaps as PDF files
  • Easy organization
  • HTML navigation generator participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.