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openwysiwyg is a cross-browser WYSIWYG editor that’s packed with every rich-text editing feature you need to make your content management system much better. It gives you total control over formatting your text. The ultimate <textarea> replacement for your content management system. Click here to download!
Powerful Editing Environment
- Loads extremely fast. Completely written in JavaScript and DHTML. No server side code (like PHP) required!
- Easily view HTML source code and make “in code” adjustments.
- Manage documents similar to Word. Bold, italicize, change the color of your text, and more.
- Create numbered and bulleted lists.
- Insert images, create tables, and link text.
Enhanced Table Creation
Easily and quickly create tables, and customize them the way you want! With several properties to choose from, set the border style, border width, cell padding, shading color, table width, and much more.
Cross-Browser Compatible
openWYSIWYG is compatible with the most popular internet browsers, meaning your users will have no trouble making use of it. These browsers include: IE 5.5+ (Windows), Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+.
Coded Entirely in JavaScript
Regardless of what language you use to code your web applications, openWYSIWYG will work. openWYSIWYG is coded entirely in client side JavaScript, so it will work with any web programming language, including:
- Perl
- ASP.Net
- Java
- Cold Fusion
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