The Free and Fast Image Rotation Engine – Revolver

The Free and Fast Image Rotation Engine - Revolver 1

Revolver is a fast image rotation engine and can be used as a clean, simple way to showcase a design portfolio, sketchbook, photoblog, or simple image gallery. Uses abound. Be creative, invent your own.

Revovlver Image Rotation

Benefits And Features:

  • Revolver is entirely free and Open Source
  • 100% advertisement free
  • RSS feed
  • Play and stop slide show controls
  • Extremely simple image management technique
  • Easy no hassle installation process
  • No database required
  • Minimal file size, around 3k
  • No admin or login information needed
  • Pre-date images for future release
  • Customizable background colors to coordinate with each image
  • No clutter or user interface to customize
  • Default HTML code is valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
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    Available for Amazon Prime