10 Best Database Management Tools For Developers

10 Best Database Management Tools For Developers

Here we are showcasing 10 database management tools for developers for easy management of their database which is the most crucial and essential part of any dynamic web application and software. Though, managing database is not easy at all and for that purpose, there are many tools available on internet.

Webyog Is Giving Away 5 Single User licenses Of SQLyog Enterprise Of Worth $99 Each

Webyog Is Giving Away 5 Single User licenses Of SQLyog Enterprise Of Worth $99 Each

Webyog is running a contest, where winners will get 5 Single User licenses of SQLyog Enterprise (worth $99 each). Well, you guys know whatSQLyog is. Lets say it once again for n00bs.SQLyog MySQL GUI is the most powerful MySQL manager and admin tool, combining the features of MySQL Query Browser, Administrator, phpMyAdmin and various other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL GUI tools in a single intuitive interface.SQLyog
21 Most Useful Free Resources For Designers And Web Developers

21 Most Useful Free Resources For Designers And Web Developers

We are always looking to come up with the post that is attractive and useful for everyone. We most of the time focuses on the designer's stuff, developer's resources and where anything is going to launch free of cost. There are countless designer's and developer's free resources available which everyone should review at least once. In this post, I have collected 21 Most Useful Free Resources For Designers And Web Developers.

13 Awesome Javascript Animated Flash Like Menus