curvyCorners – Imageless Anti-Aliasing Rounded Corners. Features: Anti-Aliasing, Borders, Optional Corners, User Defined Raduis And Anti-Alasing On Graphical Backgrounds.

curvyCorners - Imageless Anti-Aliasing Rounded Corners. Features: Anti-Aliasing, Borders, Optional Corners, User Defined Raduis And Anti-Alasing On Graphical Backgrounds. 1

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curvyCorners is a free JavaScript program that will create on-the-fly rounded corners for any HTML DIV element, that look as good as any graphically created corners.  It’s easy! You can add rounded corners to your DIVs in seconds. No image editing required. Download curvyCorners from here.


If you want super easy to maintain rounded corners that are fully anti-aliased with support for borders and background images and that look as good as graphically created ones then curvyCorners is for you.


  • Free
  • Easy to use JavaScript object
  • Requires no images or image editing
  • Full Anti-Aliasing support
  • Anti-Aliasing over graphical backgrounds
  • Background-image support (round corners of images)
  • Fluid height/width support
  • Solid border support, any colour/width with Anti-Aliasing
  • User defined per corner radiuses participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.
Available for Amazon Prime