Create Your Free Online Surveys And Polls Using SiS Survey

With SiS Survey, you can start creating Polls and Surveys, and place them on your website in minutes. They are simple and flexible, allowing you to customize default styles to match your website social networking profile or email campaign. You can use their in-depth reporting engine to aggregate, print and export your results.

SIS Survey

Salient Features

  • Advanced online reporting in real time of your data as it is collected.
  • Insert HTML directly allowing you to add pictures, video and more.
  • Full foreign language support. Create your own langueges packs.
  • 11 question types to choose from with multiple options for each.
  • Export your data as XML, CSV and subscribe to your results via RSS.
  • Close surveys after a certain date or quota has been reached, and create custom start and finish pages for your survey.
  • Create multi question, multi page surveys with ease using our new advanced survey editor.
  • A selection of skins to choose from or create your own in CSS participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.