15 Free Calligraphy Fonts for Designers

15 Free Calligraphy Fonts for Designers

Choosing the right type of font for the design plays a crucial role in the success of any design. Selecting right kind of font for the design not only creates a special feel in the design but also facilitates you in conveying your message in an effective way. There are loads of quality fonts available on the internet for your use. Some are free while some are paid, but not all of them are suitable for all types of design.

12 Stunning jQuery Plugins and Tutorials

12 Stunning jQuery Plugins and Tutorials

jQuery is here for quite a sometime and it really makes life easier for the web developers and designers. The web development industry has been revolutionized by the advent of jQuery. Designers all over the world are taking advantage of this new technology and creating brilliant stuff quite quickly. It is nothing less than a blessing for the developers and this is the reason of its ever increasing popularity all over the world.

Best Remote Desktop Tools You Should Know

Best Remote Desktop Tools You Should Know

For this round up, we are presenting 10 best and free remote desktop tools that you must know. These remote desktop tools are very helpful for you. Though, such tools and features have been around for years and majority of them have been built with IT administrators and managers in mind. With remote desktop tools, IT administrators and support personnel can easily access connected computers via a master computer. However, at times even average users need to access their home or work PC, and these remote desktop tools will help them in this regard.

Creative and Unique Office Supplies

Creative and Unique Office Supplies

Every designer, developer or in general any employee spends almost 8 – 10 hours a day in his office which means half of their day is spent in their office cubicles that have very boring and dull arrangement making the whole environment very boring and uninspiring especially for the graphic designers. This is because when they are surrounded by bored and tiring atmosphere, their creativity almost dies.

Free And Fresh Icons In PSD For Web Designers

Free And Fresh Icons In PSD For Web Designers

Finding out high quality PSD files is like a blessing for the web designers because they not only cut down their working time but also save them from doing extra effort. We regularly share several PSDs collection for the web designers. This time we are sharing some icons in PSD format for you so that you can edit or modify them whenever you need to use them. All these icons in PSD format are available for free download.

10 WordPress FREE Themes To Start Your Own eStore

10 WordPress FREE Themes To Start Your Own eStore

If you are planning to start your own eStore then you must browse through this collection. This collection provides you 10 the best and most helpful Wordpress themes that will help you to start your own eStore. With these themes, you do not have to code for the website and therefore, you can save time while creating a professional looking eStore.

Stunning Shades of Grey in Web Designs

Stunning Shades of Grey in Web Designs

A grey website design looks very professional and gives a very neat and sophisticated feel. Grey is one of the most widely used colors in web designs because it is a neutral color that is a perfect option to be used for website backgrounds.

Excellent Uses of Typography in Print Ads

Excellent Uses of Typography in Print Ads

Another inspiring collection of some excellent typefaces in print ads is presented here for your inspiration. Print ads are also a good source of inspiration especially for the web designers who constantly look for new and creative ideas to incorporate them into their work. This is the reason why designers always browse other designers work to get typographical inspiration.

12 Facebook Cheat Sheets And Infographics

12 Facebook Cheat Sheets And Infographics

In this round up, we have put together some high quality Facebook infographics and cheat sheets for you. Facebook is the most popular social media option on the Internet. With millions of users all across the world, Facebook is the number one social networking website, and it has become an integral part of the web ecosystem for the present time, either we love it or hate it but we cannot neglect this fact.

20 Free Light Effects Photoshop Brushes

20 Free Light Effects Photoshop Brushes

Adobe Photoshop is the most widely used designing tool in the designing industry. It has been used in photo manipulations, graphics designing, web designing, abstracts art designing and many others. With so many tools, Photoshop has made its place in the every designer’s toolbox. For this round up, we are showcasing 20 excellent abstract Photoshop brushes for creating beautiful light effects.

Modern and Graceful Business Card Examples

Modern and Graceful Business Card Examples

Here is a business card inspiration series and this time we are focusing on some of modern business card examples. Business cards are difficult to construct because you have very limited space to construct a card through which you introduce yourself, and since first impression is the last impression; everyone tries to create an impressive and attention grabbing business card.

12 jQuery Flipbook Plugin

12 jQuery Flipbook Plugin

In this round up, we have put together 12 best jQuery flipbook plugins for you that are the most popular interactive animation shortcuts in the recent days. With the help of flipbook or page flips effects, website owners can effectively present their product catalogs, sales brochures and content in visually appealing and eye catching manner. Moreover, flipbook effects gives the overall website design a new dimension.

Free Online Resume Maker Tools

Free Online Resume Maker Tools

Creating professional looking and effective resume is the first step to get your dreamed job. If your resume is impressive enough, chances are there that your potential employer will call you for an interview. In this round up, we are showcasing 10 free online tools to create professional resumes. After all, your resume is the first thing that connects you with a recruiter, and therefore it should be impressive enough to create a powerful impact.

20 Creative Vector Wallpapers

20 Creative Vector Wallpapers

Knowing how much of a hot commodity wallpapers are to the design and development community, and to anyone in general who tends to spend a large amount of time basking in the glow of a computer screen, we decided to collect more screen art for our readers. This time we are focusing on some beautiful and appealing vector wallpapers for you.

14 Creative Calendar Design Ideas

14 Creative Calendar Design Ideas

If you are tired of the usual boring liner fashion design of calendar and want something new and creative in terms of design, then this post is for you. Here, we are showcasing some very creative and brilliant calendar design idea that are totally different from the standard design. When it comes to calendar designs, we usually do not get a chance to see some creativity, but in this post you will find most creative ideas for calendar design. Here is the full collection without any further ado.

13 Payment Form Photoshop Files For Free Download

13 Payment Form Photoshop Files For Free Download

Payment form is the most integral part of any website or online business because it allows the potential customers to pay for your services or goods, therefore, it is very important to design a payment form that is simple, easy yet completely functional so that your potential clients do not have to face in difficulty while filling up the form. An easy to use payment form can also ensure more sale conversion because it gives the users an easy way to pay for the goods and services they would like to have.

20 Fresh and Beautiful Icon Sets for Free

20 Fresh and Beautiful Icon Sets for Free

Here we are showcasing 20 beautiful and fresh icon sets that you can use for free. Icons are the basic design element that is needed in every app or website design at different levels. Finding out free and high quality icon sets is the best thing for the designers. Many designers spend considerable time in finding out free and fresh icon sets that they can use for their designs.

Creative One Page Website Designs

Creative One Page Website Designs

The field of web designing follows many trends. Some are there to stay forever while some trends come and go. One page website design is one of those evergreen trends in the web designing industry that is not going to go out of fashion. Though, this is not the most common design trend yet many designers follow it. They can put their creativity in the best possible way and can experiment with different elements and things to see how their target audience interact with their work.

Free Custom Icon Font Generators for Designers

Free Custom Icon Font Generators for Designers

At times, designers need to generate their own custom icon fonts that are scalable and easy to style. Custom icon font generators are the tools that allow designers to generate their own custom icon fonts. There are innumerable numbers of online custom icon font generators are available that makes selecting the best one difficult.

10 High Quality Free Ribbon Fonts

10 High Quality Free Ribbon Fonts

Font plays a vital role in the success of any design. There are abundant types of fonts and they all are beautiful in their own way, but they are not meant for each and every design. Each and every font is suitable for certain type of project and therefore, choosing the right font for the right project always impart the feel they wish to contribute.