If you are into mobile app development, you know that this is the most difficult profession as it requires you to take several things into account before you even start working on any app development. Moreover, it is a forever learning process so you need to keep yourself up to date with the latest trend and developments in the industry. Learning process will help in increasing efficiency and productivity in the long run. The process is the same whether you develop applications for desktop or mobile.
Here, we are sharing 8 free eBooks that will greatly help you with your mobile app development work and teach you lots of good things as well. These eBooks would be your prefect resource to strengthen your grip on the subject. Enjoy!
Developing Modern Mobile Web Apps
Native vs. Web vs. Hybrid App Development
Free Android Programming – Ebook
Free ebook: Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Learn BlackBerry 10 App Development A Cascades-Driven Approach
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