16 Cool Countdown Timer Scripts For Your Projects

16 Cool Countdown Timer Scripts For Your Projects 1

A countdown timer is the first thing that comes to a developer’s mind whenever the website is down for maintenance and there is a requirement to inform the visitors about the upcoming special events. Countdown timer scripts are there to help developers in informing their visitors about the specific events no matter how long their website will be down.

In this round up, you will discover 16 essential countdown timer scripts that you may need one day. So, it’s better to keep them in your tool kit for the time of need. Here is the full collection after the jump. Enjoy!

jQuery Countdown Timer

( Demo | Download )

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Add a Countdown Timer on Your Website

( Demo | Download )

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Littlewebthings CountDown

( Demo | Download )

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jQuery Countdown Plugin

( Demo | Download )

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jQuery CountDown Plugin

( Demo | Download )

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KK Countdown

( Demo | Download )

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Digital Countdown Clock

( Demo | Download )

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Flash Simple Timer

( Demo | Download )

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Countdown Timer With ActionScript 3

( Demo | Download )

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DHTML Easy Countdown

( Demo | Download )

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jQuery Countdown

( Demo | Download )

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Countdown Timer In ActionScript

( Demo | Download )

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Dynamic Countdown Script

( Demo | Download )

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Flexible and Easy “Countdown” Clock

( Demo | Download )

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Php Ajax/jquery Countdown

( Demo | Download )

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( Demo | Download )

16 Cool Countdown Timer Scripts For Your Projects 17

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