15 Free Mac OS X Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier

This is the post where we are listing out few great free apps for Mac Operating System, this is an exclusive post for our those readers who are the Mac users. But our other readers will also enjoy this post. Don’t forget to bookmark this post for your future reference as it has few most useful and free application that will be helpful for you when you are on your Mac system. This is absolutely a great list of 15 Free Mac OS X Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier.

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iSynchronize is an application that synchronizes the original file or folder of aliases. It creates a folder in your home directory, where you can put either real files and folders or aliases, and then syncs the contents to another folder you specify. The application concludes a daemon that does al the work in the background.



MPlayerX is a multimedia player designed for Mac OS X. It has Multi-Screen Fullscreen support. MPlayerX is also offering support for Apple Remote, Multi-Touch support, Automatic find next proper file to play, Auto detect the encode method of subtitle file (with Universal Charset Detector) etc.



iAnalyse can synchronize the pages of a score (or PDF images) on an audio or video file. You can draw annotations (graphics, texts or images) on the score, the fade in and fade out of these annotations are also synchronized with the audio file. Moving a cursor on the score to the rhythm of music can be drawn very quickly. The fullscreen and export (images or Quicktime movie) functions allow you to show or distribute your work.



iNetGet is a download utility that gives you convenience and flexibility in downloading on the Internet. iNetGet supports auto-resuming and guarantees maximum speed possible thanks to our multi-thread download tasks. iNetGet is a perfect video downloader for Mac OS X. It can Auto-sniff and download any FLV, Mp4 video from YouTube or any other video sites.



Using XMind with XMind.net’s sharing service is a revolutionary way to enable both team brainstorming and personal mind mapping. With this major upgrade, they bring Web 2.0 concepts on community sharing into a popular desktop application.

Raw Photo Processor


Raw Photo Processor is a very useful RAW converter, supporting almost all available digital RAW formats made for photographers by a photographer-programmer.



Nimbuzz is a great chat application that allows you to interact, call and chat with your friends on all popular instant messaging and social networks. Connect to all your friends at once – Chat and interact with all your friends from one place: Windows Live Messenger (MSN), Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, Google Talk, Facebook, MySpace, and more. One secure login for all communities.



mBrowser is a file organizer especially designed to let users catalog video files with movie snapshots.  Users can open, launch, locate and trash imported movies easily.  Simply, create a movie album and then drag and drop a movie file, one at a time onto the drop box. With Auto shot on, mBrowser will automatically take a screenshot of the movie you’ve dragged and dropped onto the movie drop box.  Then click on Launch to open the selected movie with a default application or click on Play to watch the selected movie directly through mBrowser’s own movie player.



MacClean 2 is here! MacClean will allow you to free up space on your hard drive, clean your cache, and allow you to verify permissions and images.



FileClipper allow you to operate files (e.g. moving files, copy, making alias files and symbolic links) with Copy & Paste metaphor through the clipboard.



iFind is a nice and useful Internet Speed Search tool. iFind is the top internet search program. To avoid the initial search entry pages of the search engines with their annoying advertisements. After entering the search, your default browser will open with the result pages of the chosen search engine.



Droplr Desktop is a tiny application for Mac OS X that aims at helping people share things easier. Every day people come across many situations in which they need to share something with someone else.



Folx (currently in beta stage) is a free downloader for Mac OS X. It helps you download files of any size via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Folx supports auto-resuming and guarantees maximum speed possible thanks to our multi-thread download tasks.



To tag a file – just drag it onto the Tagit application in the dock. You can also assign ratings. Tagit lets you drag multiple documents to it at once. With multiple documents, Tagit will add tags to all the documents, leaving individual tags on specific documents alone. Which is just what you expect and need. Your most recently set tags are easily added with a single click.

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