Premium-Like Free Themes To Create More Than “Just Another WordPress Blog”

In this article, we are going to show you an amazing collection of extremely unique premium-like free wordpress themes that you can use to create sites that are not just a weblog. You may have so many options to choose from to convert your simple blog to a highly customized purpose-built website. Using wordpress as a base platform, it’s really easy to update, fast loading and professional looking sites that you ever think of.

You are welcome if you want to share more creative wordpress themes which our readers/viewers may like. Do you want to be the first one to know the latest happenings at just subscribe to our rss feed and you can follow us on twitter as well.

MiniCard Theme

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MiniCard is a social network/business card WordPress theme. This theme lets you add links to all the social networking sites you may be a member of, and post useful information such as bio’s and contact details. It also has built in hCard support and (optionally) lets you offer a vCard for visitors to download your contact information.


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You can keep track of phone numbers, email addresses, websites, social networks and many other types of information using RoloPress.


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With this theme you will be able to turn your wordpress install in a simple jobboard.


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LiveTwit is a light weight theme. On the leftsidebar, it lets you change the logo, highlight your site message and in the FriendMeUp box, you may set your social media profile links.


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If you are looking to collaborate with a small team or, you need a private blog where only your team members can view, share files and write the content without going to backend, this is the theme you’ve been looking for.

Visiting Card theme for WordPress

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Visiting Card theme for WordPress is very simple yet useful theme that you would love set up on your personal website.


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Using GuruQ as a theme can allow your visitors to post questions to a Guru (you or dedicated expert). The Guru can answer the questions via a WordPress admin screen.


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Here’s another free theme that will aggregate all your feeds of all kind at once place in attractive format.

AppCloud E-Commerce WordPress Theme

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AppCloud is clean and professional looking e-commerce wordpress theme. It is integrated with WP E-commerce and can work really great if you are going to start product based e-commerce website. participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.