Learn New Things And Get Your Questions Answered With BlurtIt

Are you wondering whether Robbie Williams like the color blue? Are you trying to find out how many molecules make up 2 grams of salt? For questions like these, the internet does not have direct sources that can provide us with clear answers. For example the Wikipedia page on Robbie Williams or Salt will not be helpful in finding the answer to the above mentioned questions.

What can be helpful however, is BlurtIt.


BlurtIt is a free website that lets users sign up and post their question online, on the BlurtIt forum. Unlike other forums, It is dedicated solely to answering people’s questions on any subject.

To sign up for an account, use the buttons on the top right of the homepage. You can also use your Facebook account to log into BlurtIt. After the sign up, you are provided with the option to invite your friends over to BlurtIt.

Once signed in, your dashboard has a clear area in which you can post your query.


Below this box you can find the latest and most popular questions on BlurIt.


You will quickly realize by browsing through the questions that there are literally no restrictions to the nature of questions asked. Browsing BlurtIt is a great way to increase one’s general knowledge.

The site can be browsed by randomly jumping into the available questions or by choosing a category in which these questions are placed. Searches of particular keywords can also be executed.


Just like other users can respond to your questions, you can respond to questions posted by other users. A leaderboard is maintained of the users answering the highest number of questions.


BlurtIt, overall, is a great website with a simple interface which any computer user can quickly grasp. Click here to visit BlurtIt and remember to share your thoughts in the comments.

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