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You might have been using Chrome for a quite some time now but there is a good chance you are not taking its full advantage. Chrome’s maximum potential lies in the power of its extensions. Below We have gathered 6 Chrome extensions That Can Make Your Daily Browsing More Enjoyable. You will not find these extensions in similar lists on other websites; I hope you find them to be much enjoyable.
Give the list a thorough reading, try out any extension you are interested in, and let me know in the comments how they worked out for you. You are welcome to share if you know more fun and gaming chrome extension which our readers/viewers may like. Do you want to be the first one to know the latest happenings at just subscribe to our rss feed and you can follow us on twitter.
Mini Golf adds a golf ball icon in the browser that opens a fun flash mini golf game. Just press the icon again to close the game instantly and get back to work.
You can play Tic-Tac-Toe Game right from Google Chrome with this extension.
You can play Chess Game right from Google Chrome. Play Chess in Google Chrome with Computer as Opponent.
Play a prank on your friends by turning every webpage upside down. It’s version 0.2 features multiple options like flipping the whole page, only images, everything but images, and a delay to set the prank as a time bomb.
Install this fun game to kill time while waiting for slow sites to load, talking on the phone, or any other time you’d like a distraction! To start the game, hit any key. Use the arrow keys to move your character, and dodge the falling icicles.
With this Chrome Extension, all the page will show falling snow flakes.
This extension shows the interesting photos on Flickr, the same day last year.
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