Congratulations To The Winners Of Ultimate Designer Toolkit

Thanks to all of the participants of contest in which Ultimate Designer Toolkit (Over 60,000 Premium Design Items) were givingaway. We ran the MySQL random query and selected these 3 comments to give them free subscription of Ultimate Designer Toolkit with over 60,000 premium design items (worth $99 each subscription).

  • Leezozo
  • Benny
  • Stephen

Ultimate Designer Toolkit is one of the most acknowledged website among graphic designing and printing personnel. Ranging from Seamless Vectors to Pixel Icons, the website is meant to help a designer with visually aesthetic design material. The website holds more than 60,000 design items which are carefully chosen.

Congratulations To The Winners Of Ultimate Designer Toolkit 1

Following is a quick look at the design item is offering:

  • Seamless Vectors
  • Photoshop Gradients
  • Photoshop Layer Styles
  • Vector Illustrations
  • Photoshop Patterns
  • Ultimate CSS Framework (Easy PSD-2-HTML Conversion)
  • Photoshop Brushes
  • Adobe Add-ons
  • Vector Elements
  • High Resolution Textures
  • Vector Icons
  • Stock Photos
  • Web Graphics
  • 3D Software Box Creator

The website also features a blog which contains photoshop tutorials, photoshop textures, design elements and vectors. Navigating the site is extremely easy and due to exhaustive collection of web development and printing items, a designer never finds himself deserted. The website was developed with a fair idea in mind – one platform, all designers. Visiting the website and surfing it thoroughly reveals the very fact that ultimatedesignertoolkit is a gentle collection of diverse design and printing items.

Congratulations to all the winners from SmashingApps.Com. They will be contacted in few days. If you are not winner at this time so please be patient and keep visiting here or subscribe to our rss feed and you can follow us on twitter as well because we are coming up with another new great contest very soon.

Thanks to Ultimate Designer Toolkit for sponsoring this wonderful contest at Smashing Apps.

If you want to conduct any contest at Smashing Apps just contact us and send us all the details. participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.
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