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Here we are presenting more than 12 excellent WordPress plugins that can boost your social as well as organic traffic to a great extent. with WordPress plugins, you can easily extend its functionality without messing around with its core files. This is the power of plugins that make your life easier.
Here in this collection, you will find plugins that can help you in getting more traffic to your website. There are more than 27,000 plugins available via the official repository and many more in the form of premium WordPress plugins but here you will find some of the very best WordPress plugins that you can use on your website.
Sharebar adds a dynamic and fully customizable vertical box to the left of a blog post that contains links/buttons to popular social networking sites.
AddThis Share Buttons help drive traffic to your site by helping visitors share, bookmark and email your content to over 330 services.
A simple plugin that shows the various social networks you use. Also supports themes.
GetSocial adds an intelligent, lightweight, quick to setup floating social media sharing box on your blog posts.
Slick social share buttons adds facebook, twitter, google +1, linkedin, digg, delicious, reddit, stumbleupon, buffer and pinterest pin it social media.
Provides an easy way to selectively add actionable social sharing buttons to your posts content or below the post in a ‘Call To Action’ box.
Adds links to all of your social media and sharing site profiles. Tons of icons come in 3 sizes, 4 icon styles, and 4 animations.
Follow & Subscribe siderbar widget adds links to your Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, linkedIn, Pinterest, Xing, StumbleUpon, YouTube,
Sociable continues being the fastest growing leader in the sharing space of WordPress plugins.
This Plugin Links Social Media Icons to Your Social Media Profiles Twitter,Facebook,Pinterest,Youtube,Rss Feed,Linkedin,google plus.
Plugin for adding a highl customizable toolbar with color selection, social network icons, recent tweet and share buttons into footer.
Hupso Share Buttons for Twitter, Facebook & Google+
Help share your posts on popular social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Reddit, Bebo and others.
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